Birthday Dinner at Fish Stick 生日晚餐在魚條日式料理上個禮拜是小胖的生日 快接近他生日的前幾天 我每一天都準備了不同的驚喜 這是第一天的禮物 環保杯Last week is xiao-pang's birthday. When it got closer to his birthday, I prepared different surprise everyday. This is the gift on the first day, eco cup. 第二天是這件衣服Second day is this clothes. 還有男用香水 不過我們試灑後才發現賣主可能送錯了 果然 這是女用香水And men's cologne. Except when we tried it, we suspected that the vendor might send the wrong product, it should be women's perfume. And of course, it is...星期六我們在去吃生日晚餐之前去一所私立學校表演 團體大合照Saturday before we headed out for birthday dinner, we had a performance at a private school. We did some group pictures. 哈哈 Arya這張看起來真可笑Haha..Arya looks so awesome in this picture. 那天風很大 大家衣服飄揚 還真有不同的感覺It was so windy that day, everybody's performance clothes was floating. It adds a different feeling. 晚上去一家新的日本料理店吃飯 叫魚條 這家餐廳離我們家有一段路 而且在滿偏僻的地點 有點怕怕的. We went to a new Japanese restaurant for dinner called fish stickes. There is some distance from our house and the location is pretty deserted. It is kind of scary整條街沒有人 讓我聯想到一堆恐怖片場景 There was nobody on the street. It reminds me of scary movie scenary小胖幫我在餐廳前照一張時 對面有人探勘 好像沒見過亞洲人一樣 我當時很希望無論發生什麼事 小胖都會保護我Xiao-pang took a picture for me in front of the restaurant. There were some people sticking their heads out from the stores and staring at me like they have not seen an Asian person before. I was hoping during that time if something is about to happen, xiao-pang would be able to help me. 裡面的樣子The place inside. 到處都有魚繪畫 還有吊在天花板的燈籠 很可愛 更棒的是每桌牆壁還有小電視Everywhere there is fish drawing and lanterns hanging from the ceiling. It is cute. Also, there is TV for each table. 我們點了報紙上推薦的炸水餃We ordered what was recommended on the News Herald - pot stickers. 裡面是豬肉加白菜 很普通但很不錯吃There is pork and cabbage inside, it is common but quite tasty. 這裡有不同口味的湯麵 你可以選湯頭 什麼樣的麵條 還有裡面的料 我們選了拉麵 紅咖哩湯頭 加牛排肉There are different noodle soup you can choose the broth, what to put in the soup and the kind of noodles you want. We picked ramen with red curry broth and sirloin steak. 湯頭還好 我覺得不太喜歡 不過牛肉肉質很嫩 好吃The broth was ok. I did not like it too much. But the beef is really tender, very good. 我們也點了鮪魚壽司 附了味曾湯 海帶 泰式涼麵We also ordered tuna sushi. It came with Thai peanut noodle, seaweed salad and miso soup. 最後一天的禮物 健身球鞋 還有T恤!The gifts on the last day - shape up shoes and T-shirt!.

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