Pad Thai 泰式料理We tried a new Thai restaurant this weekend. The building has Thai feelings! (Although I have never been to Thailand) According to Xiao-pang's Chinese coworkers, this restaurant's food is five star with two star price...mmm...Interesting analogy 週末我們去了一家新的太式料理 整棟建築很有泰式風格(雖然我從沒去過泰國) 根據小胖大陸同事的說法 這是一家五星級餐廳 不過價格二星級 就是很便宜啦 嗯 滿奇怪的表達There is an elephant statue!這裡竟然有一頭大象雕像It is pretty dark inside. 裡面滿暗的It does have a high end class restaurant feel to it. 還滿有高級餐廳的感覺We got the appetizer called - Minced Meat in Lotus?!(I think that's the name) It was really good. There is pieces of peppers, lemon skin mixed with minced pork filled in some kind of cripsy wrapper that is shaped like a lotus flower...我們叫了一道前菜叫絞肉蓮花(好像是這名字) 很好吃 裡面可以吃的出檸檬的味道 加碎青椒還有紅椒 用蓮花形狀的炸皮裝著 脆脆的Xiao-pang loves it. 小胖很愛這道We got the Pad Thai. Every Thai restaurant we go to the first time, we always get pad thai. Because you can tell if it is authentic from their pad thai dish. It was pretty good, but a little bit too sweet for my taste. 我們點了泰式炒麵 這道是無論我們去那家泰式餐廳都會點的 才能比較那家比較有功夫 這家做的不錯 不過有點偏甜We got Thai chilli cashew beef as well. It is a little spicy. I am not too crazy about this dish, but xiao-pang likes it. 這是泰式甜辣醬炒牛肉堅果 滿辣的 我沒有很喜歡 不過小胖愛吃This is a funny thing we saw on the way home. The person customized his car, so the back says "MyCar" hahaha!我們回家途中看到這輛背後改字的車 他們自己貼上了 "我的車" 標誌 真好笑.

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